What is the purpose of the project?
improve operations + reduce operational conflicts
The purpose of the proposed project is to improve the operations of the I-526/Long Point Road interchange and I-526 mainline and reduce operational conflicts between port-related and local traffic. Improvements should address deficiencies identified during the current traffic analysis and the I-526 Lowcountry Corridor (LCC) EAST Planning and Environmental Linkage Study (PEL).
Project Goals
The following goals were identified in the I-526 Lowcountry Corridor EAST PEL and refined based on your input and purpose of the project.
Align with local land use plans and projects.
Enhance mobility for people and goods through the project study area with Complete Streets principles.
A Complete Street is safe, and feels safe, for all users. Complete Streets serve pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation users, children, older individuals, individuals with disabilities, motorists, and freight vehicles.
Why is this project needed?
The I-526/Long Point Road interchange provides access to homes, businesses, schools, parks, restaurants, commercial, and industrial facilities along Long Point Road. As the only point-of-access for South Carolina Ports’ Wando Welch Terminal, the Long Point Road interchange connects I-526 with the port, completing a critical freight route to destinations west of the Wando River, including intermodal rail facilities and other locations along the I-26 corridor. The need for the project is demonstrated by the traffic-related congestion on I-526 and Long Point Road and Long Point Road interchange deficiencies, along with multiple public interest concerns identified during the I-526 Lowcountry Corridor EAST PEL.
Where are the study limits?
The project’s study area surrounds the interchange of I-526 and Long Point Road (Exit 28) in Mount Pleasant, SC.