Feel free to contact the SCDOT Project Director, Kit Scott, if you have any questions or concerns. She can be reached by phone at 803.737.4596 or email at You can also visit us at the Community Office at 5605A Rivers Avenue, North Charleston in Gas Lite Square. Office hours are Monday - Friday, 10 am - 5 pm and by appointment any time.
SCDOT conducted a Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) study for the I-526 corridor, which extended from Virginia Avenue in North Charleston to approximately US 17 in Mount Pleasant. The PEL study identified existing and projected transportation issues within the corridor through public and stakeholder engagement and analysis. The need for this project was identified based on the public concerns identified during this process along with the demonstrated traffic congestion and interchange deficiencies. These improvements have also been identified in other regional studies. SCDOT, in cooperation with FHWA, is increasingly using the Design-Build process in an effort to expedite project delivery. Learn more here (
Project Development Process
The I-526 @ Long Point Road Interchange Improvements project was identified as a priority through the I-526 Lowcountry Corridor (LCC) EAST Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) study. The purpose of the proposed project is to improve the operations of the I-526/Long Point Road interchange and I-526 mainline and reduce operational conflicts between port-related and local traffic.
This interchange was identified as needing improvements, and four initial high-level concepts for the interchange were shown at the fall 2021 public information meeting for the I-526 LCC EAST PEL Study. Based on public input, the project team conducted engineering analyses to identify six total options, known as the range of alternatives. Preliminary traffic analysis indicated that Alternative 4: Single Point Urban Interchange (SPUI) and Alternative 5: Flyover would not improve the traffic operations performance significantly enough to meet the purpose and need of the project, so the range of alternatives was narrowed as follows:
• Alternative 1: Improved Existing Ramps
• Alternative 2: New Port Access Ramps with Improved Existing Ramps
• Alternative 3: Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI)
• Alternative 6: New Port Access Ramps with Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI)
The alternatives were evaluated through a three-step process of engineering and environmental studies to identify the recommended preferred alternative:
Step 1: Purpose and Need (Traffic Analysis and Engineering)
Step 2: Purpose and Need (Detailed Traffic Modeling), Engineering, and project goals
Step 3: Purpose and Need (Traffic Analysis), Engineering, Natural Resources, Community and Built Environment, project goals
Greater detail in analysis came with each level of evaluation. At the same time, the total number of alternatives decreased as those that were lowest performing were eliminated. This screening process helped SCDOT arrive at the Recommended Preferred Alternative. The Recommended Preferred Alternative was presented to the public for feedback at the public hearing held on May 2, 2023, and is available on the public hearing webpage
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires federal agencies, like the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), to consider the impacts of their decisions on the natural environment and to include the public in the decision-making process. An Environmental Assessment (EA) is being prepared for the I-526 @ Long Point Road Interchange Improvements project. The EA will outline the development process of the proposed project, identify reasonable alternatives, analyze the potential environmental impacts resulting from the reasonable alternatives, and demonstrate compliance with other applicable environmental laws and executive orders. The results of all engineering and environmental studies, including all environmental impacts, are published within the EA. The draft EA was made available to the public during the public hearing and associated public comment period and remains on the environmental assessment webpage here (
The average daily number of vehicles, including cars and commercial vehicles, driving through the I-526/Long Point Road interchange is expected to grow 66% by 2050. 13,000 more truck trips per day are anticipated on I-526 west of the Long Point Road interchange by 2050. A portion of the increased truck traffic on Long Point Road is associated with growth at the Wando Welch Terminal traffic. Other increased truck trips in the area may be attributed to population growth and increases in home deliveries and ecommerce.
The SC Ports freight forecasts consider the opening of other facilities in the region (including the new Leatherman facilities) and the types of cargo served by each facility (rail, truck containers, bulk materials, etc). Considering all these factors, the 30-year growth at the Wando Welch Terminal assumes continued growth to approximately 2027, a shift of some truck traffic to the Leatherman facility in 2028, and then continued growth at Wando Welch through approximately 2039. From 2039 to 2050, the Port’s planned capacity is reached, and truck operations continue at a constant level through 2050. This growth, coupled with shifts in delivery patterns, are included in the truck forecasts used in this project for the 2050 design year. The existing interchange cannot handle this volume or mix of vehicles.
SC Ports continues to monitor and optimize operational performance of the Wando Welch Terminal and modifies operations to accommodate the demand for freight movements. With the introduction of barge service and near-dock rail service in North Charleston, some diversion of cargo ships will occur, reducing the growth of port-related truck traffic in this project area.
Alternatives 3 and 6 propose constructing a diverging diamond interchange (DDI). A DDI allows free-flowing turns when entering and exiting an interstate, eliminating the left turn against oncoming traffic, and limiting the number of traffic signal phases so vehicles do not have to wait as long. The graphics below demonstrate how vehicle movements would work for those traveling from south to north and north to south. A typical DDI has the two signals as shown. However, due to the traffic volumes and high number of turn movements being processed at Long Point Road, these proposed DDI improvements would actually be composed of five signals. Three of them work together at the left (southern signal) and two at the right (northern signal).
Potential Impacts
The Recommended Preferred Alternative retains the existing operations at Long Point Road and Belle Hall Parkway. SCDOT updated the original plans for this intersection based on input from the local community followed by further engineering analysis, with the goal of improving this interchange to best serve all users. SCDOT will continue to monitor the safety of this intersection.
The designs presented at the public information meeting were conceptual and still subject to change as the designs are refined. The new access ramps are being designed to accommodate the planned widening of I-526 and must conform to the design standards set by FHWA and SCDOT for interstate facilities. Based on comments and feedback received during the public comment period, the design of the proposed port ramps is being refined, where feasible, to avoid or minimize potential residential relocations and community impacts.
The designs presented do not have trucks entering at another point or using the left lane to enter. Doing so would require high volumes of trucks to shift across multiple lanes of traffic to reach the truck climbing lane across the Wando River bridge. This would create multiple lane changes for the trucks, and would also result in having the trucks, the slower vehicles, in the far-left lane. This would also require more land for future widening. In the future widening of I-526, trucks will be restricted from using the inside left lane as is traditional practice on Interstate freeways where there are three or more lanes in each direction. Aligning the new access ramps on the Interstate in the inside left lane would degrade the future operational strategies for I-526 and would not be compatible with Interstate system truck restrictions.
SCDOT heard concerns about the potential for debris from large trucks to create a safety hazard in adjacent communities and along Seacoast Parkway. We also heard your concerns about the potential for increased exhaust and light pollution from trucks. During the alternatives analysis, the project team compares each improvement concept, weighing the potential benefits and impacts of each to arrive at the recommended option, the recommended preferred alternative.
As jobs, population, and ecommerce deliveries grow in the region, more vehicles are expected to use this interchange. As traffic congestion increases, so does the likelihood that you may spend more time sitting in traffic, with your vehicle idling. Vehicle idling releases several air pollutants that can be harmful to our air quality. The proposed improvements to the I-526/Long Point Road interchange are designed to keep vehicles moving safely, reducing the anticipated amount of time sitting in traffic. The project team also considered the increases to engine emission standards included in the EPA’s national control programs that are projected to reduce vehicle emissions dramatically by 2050.
SCDOT evaluated how the proposed improvements could result in changes to the current views and how new street lighting, sign lighting, headlights, and other potential light sources may differ from what it is today. SCDOT will continue to work to minimize the potential impacts to the environment and communities as the design is refined. The results of all environmental studies are published in the draft EA and were made available to the public for review during the public hearing and associated comment period. The environmental assessment is also available online here (
SCDOT is responsible for stormwater runoff on state-maintained roads and bridges. The new ramps would be designed to collect stormwater in accordance with SCDOT’s Stormwater Quality Design Manual. During the alternatives analysis, SCDOT will compare each reasonable alternative to weigh the benefits and impacts to identify the recommended preferred alternative. The designs presented at the public information meeting were conceptual and will likely change as they are further refined. SCDOT works to minimize impacts to the environment and communities as the designs are refined. While SCDOT will first work to avoid and minimize impacts to wetlands, any anticipated, unavoidable impacts would require a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in addition to mitigation to offset those unavoidable negative impacts. The results of all environmental studies, including environmental impacts, will be published within the EA. The draft EA was made available to the public for review during the public hearing and corresponding comment period. The environmental assessment is also available online here (
A shared-use path would be incorporated within the project limits of the design, where possible, and would provide connectivity with potential future bicycle and pedestrian facilities and I-526 widening. Where logical connections to existing facilities such as sidewalks or bike lanes exist, SCDOT will construct the planned improvements within the project area. If there are no existing connections or a logical location to safely end the bicycle, pedestrian, or transit facilities within the project area, then SCDOT will ensure drainage, shoulder, and roadway design could accommodate these additional features in the future. This strategy would allow future projects to easily make this connection within the existing roadway footprint without major modifications. Based on discussions with the Town of Mount Pleasant, the preliminary plans include a multi-use path along the east side of Long Point Road within the project limits, and existing sidewalk on Long Point Road would be replaced as part of the project within the project limits. Additionally, a multi-use path will replace the sidewalk along the south side of Wando Park Boulevard within the project limits.
The Recommended Preferred Alternative presented at the public hearing would potentially result in 54 relocations, including 51 businesses in ten buildings, one church, and two outbuildings. The Recommended Preferred Alternative would not impact any private residences. A full list of the potential relocations can be found as part of the Environmental Assessment in Appendix D: Relocation Impact Study: It is important to note that the designs presented at the public hearing are subject to change as they are refined, and impacts could be reduced.
The Recommended Preferred Alternative is designed to improve traffic operations and reduce conflicts between port-related and local traffic. The new ramps included in this alternative would provide trucks destined to, and coming from, the Wando Welch Terminal with a more direct connection to I-526 and the ability to avoid local traffic on Long Point Road. With the Recommended Preferred Alternative, the number of trucks on Long Point Road is estimated to decrease from 70% to 15%, while traffic on the new ramps is anticipated to be 90% trucks.
A total of four noise barrier locations were identified as feasible and reasonable for the Recommended Preferred Alternative. This includes proposed noise walls north of I-526 and west of Long Point Road between the Wando River bridge and Belle Hall Parkway, south of I-526 between the Wando River bridge and Ridge Road, south of I-526 and east of Long Point Road between Lone Tree Drive and the bridge at Hobcaw Creek, and north of I-526 and east of Long Point Road between Long Point Road and the bridge at Hobcaw Creek. A map of the proposed noise walls can be found online at
To determine the proposed noise wall locations, a traffic noise analysis was conducted for the study area and completed in accordance with federal and state policies and requirements. Noise-sensitive sites such as residences, churches, schools, and recreational areas were analyzed.
The project team established a baseline of existing traffic noise using the Federal Highway Administration’s traffic noise model. This analysis determined that current noise levels approach or exceed the noise abatement criteria for approximately one third of the receptors in the study area. The Recommended Preferred Alternative would result in noise impacts associated with modifying the existing I-526/Long Point Road interchange. However, those impacts would vary depending on the proximity to the project.
Per 23 CFR 772.13(c) and the SCDOT Traffic Noise Abatement Policy, noise abatement measures must be considered to reduce or eliminate noise levels to impacted receivers (66 dB(A)). All four noise barrier locations have been recommended as noise mitigation for the Recommended Preferred Alternative. A final decision on noise wall construction will be made upon completion of the project’s final design and the public involvement process. More detailed information regarding the noise analysis can be found in Appendix E of the Environmental Assessment (
For the first step in the process, SCDOT experts go to homes, churches, businesses, or other places that may be affected by a proposed highway project and use special equipment to monitor existing noise.
Next, complex computer modeling is used to predict expected noise changes at these locations once the road is built and traffic increases.
Then, it must be determined which noise-sensitive locations were permitted before the Date of Public Knowledge and, therefore, are eligible for noise reduction.
If the anticipated noise increase is MORE than the level defined by SCDOT policy, we begin to consider possible ways to reduce the noise, such as with noise walls and earth berms, at all eligible locations.
Before final designs are created for the proposed noise walls, those who would directly benefit from the walls will have the opportunity to vote if they are in support of the noise walls’ construction. At this time, we know the recommended noise walls have an average height of 24 feet. A public hearing exhibit on noise walls ( demonstrated just one idea as to what the walls could look like at varying viewpoints throughout the project. The design you see on the website is an artist rendering and does not necessarily reflect the actual aesthetic of the noise walls.
SCDOT roadway and bridge improvement projects are planned and developed through an extensive environmental review process, in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). During this environmental review process, SCDOT performs environmental and community surveys and evaluates all the potential project alternatives that could be considered to meet the purpose and need of the highway improvements. SCDOT seeks to find the project alternative that strikes the best balance between meeting the needs of the highway and minimizing the impacts to the natural and human environments.
Community impacts, such as right-of-way impacts and property owner relocations, are considered as a part of the NEPA process. The public and potential impacted communities will be engaged throughout the NEPA process to gather input on the proposed project alternatives.
When we (SCDOT) build or improve roads and bridges, we often have to acquire property, known as right-of-way, or ROW. We have uniform practices for conducting property acquisitions, providing relocation assistance, and preparing appraisals. We follow the Uniform Relocation Assistance & Real Property Acquisitions Policies Act of 1970, which protects property owners’ rights and ensures that everyone is treated fairly and equitably during property acquisitions. If you have specific questions about the ROW process or relocation benefits, please give us a call or come by the Community Office to schedule an appointment with our ROW specialists.
The right-of-way acquisition process is anticipated to begin in the fall of 2024, after the environmental approvals have been secured through the federal environmental review process. The official right-of-way acquisition process does not typically start until that process is completed and a decision has been issued by the Federal Highway Administration, who oversees the project. Once right-of-way design plans are finalized, acquisition activities would begin. Construction is anticipated to start in 2026 and last approximately four years.
SCDOT follows the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended. On highway projects in South Carolina that require relocations, SCDOT makes a survey of the residential households to be relocated and the available housing in the area. The right-of-way agent informs you in writing of the specific comparable replacement housing, the sales prices or rent used as the basis for establishing the upper limit of the replacement housing payment, and the basis for that determination.
If the comparable replacement housing available on the market is priced higher (property appraised value or rent), the homeowner may be eligible for supplemental benefits for a period of time to cover this price differential, including increased mortgage interest costs and eligible incidental expenses (such as closing costs). For more information on the right-of-way process, visit the SCDOT website:
SCDOT follows the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended. Compensation and relocation assistance will be provided in accordance with federal requirements. For more information on the right-of-way process, visit the SCDOT website:, view an informational video on the right-of-way process on our website (, or email us ( to connect with a right-of-way agent.
Additional Right-of-Way Resources
Learn more about SCDOT’s right-of-way acquisition process by watching the videos or reading the questions above.